
Friday, June 26, 2009


Hi Team,
Br kemarin rasanya aku dating ke kantor ini, turun dr bus ATMO, turun di depan RM OJO GELO yang merupakan depannya indosat solo jg. Aku jg masih inget di kenalin am semua keluarga besar indosat solo oleh mbak Novi yang langsung lupa siapa namaxa, cz 1 hr terlalu banyak yg harus aku Pak Ajib yg bisa inget karena jenggotnya dan Mz Agung Prabowo dengan besarnya.

ALL TECSOL yang mau menerima saya disini, membimbing saya, mengajari saya walaupun keberadaan saya kadang malah bikin runyam ato bikin repot pekerjaan rekans semua. Terima Kasih banyak Pak Rizal dan Pak Mino atas kesempatan yang telah diberikan kpd saya untuk belajar di Indosat Solo.
Terima kasih banyak Pak Dhe n MAng Opick yang telaten dan sabar mengajari ttg BTS, Signalling, BTS manager, Citrix, up/down grade, Create EDGE, pak dhe n pak opick sebagai dosen BSS saya disini, maaf kl saya terlalu lemoot n g cepet menyerap semuanya, dan semoga saya masih bisa berkonsultasi lg.
makasih jg untuk kang Purwo atas bantuan swktu saya tiba pertama kali di Solo dan senyum yg selalu ikhlas dan dr hati yg dalam.

Mz Inal n Mz hate makasih untuk pelajaran Power, Genset, AC, modul, rectifier, semoga saya tidak lupa.
Pak Dodik dan Pak Dili, makasih atas segala support n pelajaran MWnya dan partner CS 1.6.
Satrea Yudha dan Bowo makasih mau memberi saya lemburan.
Pak Untung yang selalu membuat orang tersenyum dan bikin rame OMC.
Pak Ajib makasih bangeet atas pinjaman sepeda opers untuk operasional saya untuk berangkat dan pulang kantor,
mbak hotma yang selalu semangat makasih atas dukungan untuk menyuplai genset.mbak prima yang selalu gembira, makasih atas cerita2 yang lucu dari putra-putranya
Agung Bud WJ makasih atas tebengannya,Prisma n Reza thanks 4 all, yoyon dan nanda yang jauh disana semoga wonogiri lebih maju dengan adanya kalian berdua,
Pak Raharjo makasih banget telah mengikutkan saya dalam TEAM SAS shg saya ada sumber tambahan untuk beli bakso (sama gerobaknya),
Pak Asy makasih atas nasehat dan bimbingannya,
ALL USERS SOLO terima kasih banget atas semuanya

Monday, June 22, 2009

Medical Check Up

sabtu kemarin MCU di Prodia Solo di daerah Mangkunegaran belakang novotel.
dateng jam 8.30
rontgen dada

tes urine (ini urne ak)
di lanjutkan konsultasi dokter pagi td. dokternya namanya pak tahono. cm di tanya2 n di periksa jantung dengan stetoskop. g nyampe 5 menit.
kemarin tes psikologi sudah n tes kesehatan sudah. tinggal nunggu hasilnya dari BPL Indosat. katanya untuk tes masuk BPL.

turtle can fly

malem minggu kemarin nonton film di metro tv. bagus juga. nih resensinya:

TURTLES CAN FLY merupakan film pertama tentang perang di Iraq masa Invasi Amerika dibawah Presiden George W. Bush. Bolehlah dibilang saya adalah pecinta film-film Iran, sebab saya menyukai film-film yang natural dan bermuatan filosofi. Dan seperti film Iran lainnya 'Turtles Can Fly' juga menyajikan pengajaran kehidupan secara folosofis tanpa ada kesan menggurui penontonnya. Nah ini yang jarang sekali saya dapat dari film nasional kita, apalagi sinetron. 'Turtles Can Fly' menyajikan paradoks : film anak-anak yang penuh humor, manisnya adegan jenaka anak-anak, sekaligus film perang yang paling mengerikan. Dalam film ini memang tidak ada adegan hunjaman peluru menembus batok kepala, seperti pada film Saving Private Ryan, atau semburan darah, potongan tubuh seperti di film Kingdom of Heaven, atau adegan sadisme yang lazim dalam film-film perang dengan tekhnologi mutakhir. Sebaliknya 'Turtles Can Fly' adalah sebuah film sederhana, namun secara psikologis ini memberikan dampak psikologis yang paling dalam. Meski Badan sensor film memberikan label genre 'Parental Guide', namun film ini bukan film anak-anak, melainkan seharusnya film dewasa. 'Turtles Can Fly' menyajikan peperangan yang sedemikian kuatnya berdampak pada 'innocent victims of conflict'. Ya, peperangan paling banyak menyengsarakan korban tak berdosa, terutama anak-anak. Dan secara sempurna film ini menyajikan akibat perang 'dimata anak-anak'. Sehingga saat kita menonton, secara tidak sadar kita akan digiring oleh sang sutradara 'berpikir dan berlogika secara anak-anak pula'. Inilah keistimewaan yang dimiliki film-film Iran yang sudah menjadi satu ciri khas, seperti dalam film Children of Heaven, Baran, Kandahar, Color of Paradise, Osama, dll. Dimulai dengan adegan gadis kecil menjatuhkan diri dari sebuah tebing yang curam, film ini bercerita dengan latar belakang sebuah desa 'Iraqi Kurdistan' di perbatasan Iran dan Turkey. Penduduk desa yang dalam suasana perang lebih mementingkan berita ketimbang sajian hiburan di TV. Untuk itulah semua penduduk desa berusaha memasang antena yang paling kuat menangkap gelombang siaran berita di televisi. Dengan set tahun 2003 dibawah invasi Amerika, film ini menggambarkan terobsesinya orang-orang dengan berita Internasional yang didapat dari Satelit untuk mendapatkan informasi rencana Amerika kedepan dalam 'menyelamatkan' Iraq. Seorang anak laki-laki berumur 13 tahun atau tepatnya 'de-factor leader' bagi sekumpulan anak-anak yatim-piatu di camp pengungsi, ia dipanggil dengan nama 'Satellite' karena terbiasa menerima job pemasangan antena TV, sekaligus menjadi 'translater berita' bagi penduduk desa disana. Kemudian Satellite juga menerima job pembersihan 'ranjau darat' di daerah itu. Satellite merasa terganggu dengan kehadiran seorang anak laki-laki cacat, kedua tangannya putus, yang juga menerima job pembersihan ranjau yang belum menjadi 'anggota serikat pekerja anak-anak' dibawah pimpinan Satellite. Anak cacat itu bernama Henkov yang juga adalah korban ranjau darat, sehingga kedua tangannya putus. Meski cacat Henkov rupanya ahli sekali menjinakkan ranjau. Dilain pihak Satellite naksir berat dengan adik perempuan Henkov, Agrin yang misterius dan cantik. Kemudian Satellite juga menemukan kemampuan prophetic Henkov, yang kemudian disadarinya bahwa kemampuan supranaturalnya lebih akurat ketimbang propagandanya CNN. Henkov dimata orang lain mempunyai 2 orang adik, yang perempuan Agrin dan adik laki-laki yang masih berumur 1tahun lebih, Rega. Kemanapun, mereka selalu bertiga. Dan si kecil Rega selalu dalam gendongan Agrin, sesekali digendong oleh Henkov yang meski 'tanpa tangan' namun cukup cekatan menggendong si kecil. Agrin gadis kecil mungkin umurnya baru 12tahun, yang terjebak oleh ganasnya perang, kedua orang tuanya terbunuh akibat perang saudara di Iraq, dalam saat yang bersamaan ia mengalami tragedi yang lain, diperkosa beramai-ramai oleh tentara, sehingga pada usia yang sangat muda ia mempunyai anak. Oleh pengungsi lain anak dalam gendongannya itu dikira adiknya. Kehidupan serba sulit, mengungsi dengan anak dan saudara laki-laki yang cacat. Sudah berkali-kali Agrin mencoba bunuh diri karena tidak mampu menahan beban berat hidup. Namun setiap kali dia ingat kakaknya Henkov yang cacat, ia berpikir mampukah ia merawat rega anaknya? Dan ia mengurungkan niat itu. Adegan ketiga anak kecil itu kerap memancing rasa haru. Rupanya perang zaman sekarang juga masih menggunakan jalur-jalur propaganda atau bahasa halusnya 'informasi' : "We are here to take away your sorrows!" "Those against us are our enemies. We will make this country a paradise. We are the best!" itulah bunyi leaflets yang dijatuhkan dari helikopter pasukan Amerika. Entah dalam kejadian nyata isi leaflets bunyinya begitu atau tidak, namun dengan melihat gaya American dan sikap Bush yang sedemikian, mungkin saja isi leaflets-nya begitu. Dan betapa senangnya masyarakat suku Kurdi menerima kabar bahwa keberadan mereka 'dibela' dengan akhir Saddam Hussein diturunkan dari tahta kepresidenannya. Pesan-pesan itu membawa harapan perang segera berakhir. Kabar baik dari pasukan 'hero' itu tidak ada dampaknya ibu-muda Agrin, ia tetap tertekan, terlebih ketika ia memikirkan bagaimana nanti Rega tumbuh menjadi besar, apa pandangan orang terhadapnya. Berkali-kali Agrin mengemukakan rencananya agar meninggalkan Rega, dengan harapan bisa 'diambil/dipelihara orang lain', namun Henkov kakaknya selalu melarang, karena Henkov sangat mengasihi anak itu. Agrin yang kehilangan masa kanak-kanak, Agrin yang memerlukan bimbingan orang-tua, ia tak mampu membereskan beban dan masalah hidupnya. Sengsara hidupnya membuyarkan semua 'natur baik' yang mungkin dimilikinya. Ia menjadi pembenci anaknya itu, ia pemurung, dan putus asa. Suasana kontradiksi, disaat masyarakat Kurdi memulai lembar baru dan menyambut jatuhnya Saddam, dengan suka-ria mendapatkan souvenir potongan patung-Saddam di ibukota yang dijatuhkan tentara Amerika. Agrin membunuh anaknya dan kemudian ia bunuh-diri. Adegan ini menyentak sekali, membuat para penonton tidak tahan dengan tragedi kematian keduanya yang ditampilkan. Akhir kisah itu sungguh mendendangkan nyanyian yang paling memilukan dan menyayat hati. Bhaman Ghobadi's 'Turtles Can Fly' cukup menggambarkan kejadian sejarah secara instant yang merupakan one 'of the best films ever made about children in wartime'.

Friday, June 19, 2009


koneksi kabel ET dari BSC yang telah di alokasikan ke BTS.
pastikan semua e1 GOOD CONNECT
aktifkan IF2 atau yang di alokasikan untuk EDGE
setting traffic manager

lock sektor:
lock trx:
delete trx:

create alokasi abis interface
(ID=41, dari PCM lama,CRCT=41-19&&-24:41 PCM 19&&-24 alokasi DAP di trafic manager, BCSU=1, merupakan bcsu dr OM, PCU dilihat dr command ZFXO:BCSU,1)
delete signalling yg di trx4,8,12: signalling TRX yang dipindah ke IF 2

create DNAME untuk yg di IF2 (trx 8,4,12):
WO kan signalling yang telah di buat:
no kan gena tiap sektor:
create TRX (perhatikan TRX 1,5,9 dan TRX 4,8,12)
tiap sektor TSC harus sama, sebelum di create bs dilihat dr command ZERO

unlock trx:
pilihlah NSEI (dilihat dr ZFXO:BCSU,TERKAIT)

edge wonogiri gsm

gambar dan script cm untuk latihan, dan tidak berlaku di tiap site, ada yg harus dirubah yaitu:

Monday, June 8, 2009

create edge

dari jumat malam kemarin (malam sabtu), create EDGE di DCS Karanganyar under BSC karanganyar_02. narik kabel dari IF 2 ke ET 60, cz dapet et 60 dari BSC. dari BSC (et 60)>>>kabel Pass (label 110)>>IF 2 dari DCS KAranganyar (BCF=10). setelah di pastikan kabel OK n good connect, maka tinggal create di BSC n BTS.
yang di create di BSC:

  1. signalling
  2. et

yang di create di BTS:

  1. Traffic manager
  2. open IF 2 (IF 2 yang digunakan untuk EDGE)

setelah semuanya di pastikan benar, dan langkah semuanya dah selesai ada pertanyaan, karena EDGE (TRX=4,8,12) ternyata belum mau naik. padahal semua di pastikan OK semua.

sampai Senin td sore, edge bisa naik dengan segala creativitas n ide dr pak dhe n pak opik. trouble solve di ketemukan dari DDF antara IF ke ke kabel pass g connect.

setelah semuanya OK,

naik jg si EDGe.

script ipun meniko: script edge boyolali

lock sektor:

lock trx:
delete trx

(34=etpcm,bcsu=4 adalah bcsu dari OM, PCU=3 dilihat dgan command ZFXO:BCSU,4;)


deleted signalling lama dari TRX yang akan di pasang EDGE:


create signalling baru untuk TRX EDGE:


WO kan signalling:



create TRX:


connect to NSEI (dilihat dari command ZEQO:BTS=XX:GPRS;)


Tuesday, June 2, 2009

the last mounth

sudah 1 tahun ak kerja sbg PMI (Program Magang Indosat) di cabang Indosat Solo. rasanya br kemarin ak bertemu n kenalan am temen2 1 kantor yang mpe 6 bulan g hafal2 namaxa kecuali rekans teknikal. baru kemarin saya datang dengan baju yang g di setrika n rada kumel untuk ikut kerja di Indosat Solo. baru kemarin saya ketemu pak Nugroho pak dhe br turun dr bus n makan bareng di OJO GELO am kucel n pak dhe jg.

ini bulan terakhirku disini sbg PMI... berat rasanya jika sampai akhir bukan ini harus resign n pisah am rekan2 teknik. aku berharap indosat solo divisi teknik masih membutuhkan ak (pedhe), cz kerja disini waktunya tetap n kl di sambil kuliah bisa sambil n ngambil extensi. masa ak cm D3 (diploma) kaya merk rokok aj, adikku lg ambil S1, mbakku s1, bapakku ikut2an ambil S1. masa yoki cm D3??? apa kata mbah hasim??

ak cm pengen kuliah, belajar dengan biaya sendiri syukur2 bisa membantu or2. semoga Alloh mendengar doaku selama ini dan mengabulkannya,,, amiiiinn.

ak jg g pengen nantinya ada lowongan pekerjaan n ak g bisa ngambil gara2 ak cm D3 n g bisa bhs Inggris..

mumpung masih muda TELAN SEMUANYA....
Ada 4 lilin yang menyala,Sedikit demi sedikit habis meleleh.Suasana begitu sunyi sehingga terdengarlah percakapan mereka.
Yang pertama berkata:
“Aku adalah Damai
Namun manusia tak mampu menjagaku: maka lebih baik aku mematikan diriku saja!”
Demikianlah sedikit demi sedikit sang lilin padam.
Yang kedua berkata:“ Aku adalah Iman
Sayang aku tak berguna lagi.Manusia tak mau mengenalku,Untuk itulah tak ada gunanya aku tetap menyala.”
Begitu selesai bicara, tiupan angin memadamkannya.
Dengan sedih giliran Lilin ketiga bicara:
“ Aku adalah Cinta
Tak mampu lagi aku untuk tetap menyala.Manusia tidak lagi memandang dan mengganggapku berguna.Mereka saling membenci, bahkan membenci mereka yang mencintainya, membenci keluarganya.”
Tanpa menunggu waktu lama, maka matilah Lilin ketiga.Tanpa terduga…
Seorang anak saat itu masuk ke dalam kamar, dan melihat ketiga Lilin telah padam.Karena takut akan kegelapan itu, ia berkata:
“ Ekh apa yang terjadi?! Kalian harus tetap menyala, Aku takut akan kegelapan!”
Lalu ia mengangis tersedu-sedu.Lalu dengan terharu Lilin keempat berkata:
“Jangan takut,Janganlah menangis,selama aku masih ada dan menyala, kita tetap dapat selalu menyalakan ketiga Lilin lainnya:Akulah
Dengan mata bersinar, sang anak mengambil Lilin Harapan, lalu menyalakan kembali ketiga Lilin lainnyaApa yang tidak pernah mati hanyalah HARAPAN yang ada dalam hati kita….
…dan masing-masing kita semoga dapat menjadi alat, seperti sang anak tersebut, yang dalam situasi apapun mampu menghidupkan kembali Iman, Damai, Cinta dengan HARAPAN-nya!!!Terima Kasih Atas Komentar yang Anda Tinggalkan…

Ya Alloh, mudahkanlah jalanku menuju cita2ku, mudahkan semua urusanku, pekerjaanku dan jalan menuju rizkiku.
jika jalanku masih sulit, maka mudahkanlah ya Alloh...
jika masih jauh dengan tujuanku, maka dekatkanlah tujuanku itu YA Alloh
HAsbunnalloh wa ni'mal waqil ni'mal maula wa ni'mannatsir
la khaulawala quwata Illah billah
cukuplah engkau pertolongan bagi kami

Monday, June 1, 2009


Dua teknologi nirkabel yang baru naik daun ini tampak bersaing. WiMAX (Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access) lebih dulu lahir daripada LTE (Long Term Evolution). Secara perangkat dan dukungan vendor handset WiMAX lebih siap dibandingkan LTE pada tahun 2009. Sedangkan LTE akan berkembang setelah tahun 2010. Masing-masing teknologi ini oleh International Telecommunications Union (ITU) akan dijadikan kandidat standar jaringan 4G (at least 100 Mbps untuk transfer data) paling tidak pada tahun 2009.

Secara kecepatan LTE unggul diatas WiMAX generasi yang sekarang (IEEE.802.16e). LTE mampu menghadirkan kecepatan downlink hingga 100 Mbps dan uplink 50 Mbps dan dapat dikembangkan hingga 250 Mbps untuk downstream. Akan tetapi kecepatan ini nantinya akan bersaing dengan generasi WiMAX II (IEEE.802.16m) yang akan diperbarui pada tahun 2009. WiMAX II akan berjalan pada mode Mobile dengan speed 100 Mbps dan Fixed hingga 1 Gbps (sesuatu yang luar biasa untuk pertukaran data secara nirkabel). Selain LTE dan WiMAX, ada satu lagi teknologi yang hampir mirip dengan LTE yaitu UMB (Ultra Mobile Broadband) tetapi dasar pengembangannya adalah CDMA. Bahkan UMB ini downstream-nya lebih besar dibandingkan LTE yaitu mencapai 288 Mbps (dengan band 20 Hz).

WiMAX versus LTE

LTE dikembangkan oleh 3GPP (grup GSM, terutama Ericsson), sedangkan UMB diusulkan oleh 3GPP (grup CDMA 2000, terutama Qualcomm), dan WiMAX II oleh WiMAX Forum (terutama Intel). Untuk lebih jelas nya roadmap evolusi teknologi nirkabel di dunia seperti di bawah ini.
(1) GSM (2G) - GPRS (2.5G) - EDGE - WCDMA (3G) - HSDPA (3.5G) - LTE (4G)
(2) CDMA (2G) - CDMA 2000 - EV-DO (3G) - UMB (4G)
(3) Wi-Fi - Fixed WiMAX - Mobile WiMAX - WiMAX II (4G)

Teknologi 4G seperti LTE dan WiMAX didesain lebih kepada transfer data bukan suara, berbasis jaringan IP dan berdiri di atas teknologi OFDM. Kecepatan yang tinggi pada 4G memungkinkan suara, video, dan data dapat diakses dalam satu perangkat yang praktis. Di masa mendatang, konsumen dijanjikan akan dapat melakukan download dan upload High Definition Video, layanan data berkapasitas besar dan Value Added Service (VAS) seperti interactive gaming, mengakses e-mail dengan attachment besar serta bergabung dalam video conference dimanapun dan kapanpun.

Peluang Pasar LTE dan WiMAX

LTE yang merupakan pengembangan dari GSM dan CDMA diprediksi akan mudah melakukan penetrasi ke pasar. Teknologi GSM sudah dipakai secara dominan (80 %) di seluruh belahan dunia. Jaringan GSM dan CDMA sudah sangat luas terutama di kota-kota dunia. Oleh karena itu tidak heran LTE akan memiliki pasar yang lebih besar di banding dengan WiMAX. Akan tetapi teknologi WiMAX lebih ekonomis untuk pengembangan jaringan baru di wilayah-wilayah pedesaan. WiMAX memiliki biaya investasi yang jauh lebih murah dibanding BTS GSM. Jika satu BTS GSM membutuhkan biaya invetasi hingga Rp1 miliar maka jumlah unit yang sama untuk BTS Wimax hanya membutuhkan biaya kira-kira Rp 60 juta saja. Segmentasi pasar pemakaian WiMAX dan LTE sudah jelas. WiMAX akan berjaya di daerah-daerah pedesaan yang sulit dan jarang terdapat BTS. Sedangkan LTE akan berkembang pesat di daerah perkotaan, memanfaatkan jaringan-jaringan BTS yang sudah tersedia.

Penulis : Amri Widyatmoko

LTE (long term evolution)

LTE (Long Term Evolution) is the next major step in mobile radio communications, and it will be introduced in 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) Release 8.
The aim of this 3GPP project is to improve the Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS) mobile phone standard. Researchers and development engineers worldwide – representing more than 60 operators, vendors and research institutes – are participating in the joint LTE radio access standardization effort.
While 3GPP Release 8 has yet to be ratified as a standard, much of the standard will be oriented around upgrading UMTS towards a 4G mobile communications technology and an all-IP flat architecture system.


LTE provides downlink peak rates of at least 100Mbit/s, 50 Mbit/s[1] in the uplink and RAN (Radio Access Network) round-trip times of less than 10ms. LTE supports flexible carrier bandwidths, from 1.4MHz up to 20MHz as well as both FDD (Frequency Division Duplexing) and TDD (Time Division Duplex).

The goals for LTE include improving spectral efficiency, lowering costs, improving services, making use of new spectrum and refarmed spectrum opportunities,[1] and better integration with other open standards. The architecture that will result from this work is called EPS (Evolved Packet System) and comprises E-UTRAN (Evolved UTRAN) on the access side and EPC (Evolved Packet Core) on the core side. EPC is also known as SAE (System Architecture Evolution) and E-UTRAN is also known as LTE.

The main advantages with LTE are high throughput, low latency, plug and play, FDD and TDD in the same platform, improved end-user experience and simple architecture resulting in low operating expenditures. LTE will also support seamless connection to existing networks such as GSM, CDMA and WCDMA.[1]

Current State

While 3GPP Release 8 has yet to be ratified as a standard, much of the standard will be oriented around upgrading UMTS to 4G mobile communications technology, which is essentially a mobile broadband system with enhanced multimedia services built on top.
The standard includes:
Peak download rates of 326.4 Mbit/s for 4x4 antennas, 172.8 Mbit/s for 2x2 antennas for every 20 MHz of spectrum. [2]

Peak upload rates of 86.4 Mbit/s for every 20 MHz of spectrum.[2]
5 different terminal classes have been defined from a voice centric class up to a high end terminal that supports the peak data rates. All terminal will be able to process 20 MHz bandwidth.
At least 200 active users in every 5 MHz cell. (i.e., 200 active data clients)
Sub-5ms latency for small IP packets Increased spectrum flexibility, with spectrum slices as small as 1.5 MHz (and as large as 20 MHz) supported (W-CDMA requires 5 MHz slices, leading to some problems with roll-outs of the technology in countries where 5 MHz is a commonly allocated amount of spectrum, and is frequently already in use with legacy standards such as 2G GSM and cdmaOne.) Limiting sizes to 5 MHz also limited the amount of bandwidth per handset
Optimal cell size of 5 km, 30 km sizes with reasonable performance, and up to 100 km cell sizes supported with acceptable performance

Co-existence with legacy standards (users can transparently start a call or transfer of data in an area using an LTE standard, and, should coverage be unavailable, continue the operation without any action on their part using GSM/GPRS or W-CDMA-based UMTS or even 3GPP2 networks such as cdmaOne or CDMA2000)

Supports MBSFN (Multicast Broadcast Single Frequency Network). This feature can deliver services such as Mobile TV using the LTE infrastructure, and is a competitor for DVB-H-based TV broadcast.

PU2RC as a practical solution for MU-MIMO has been adopted to use in 3GPP LTE standard. The detailed procedure for the general MU-MIMO operation is handed to the next release, e.g, LTE-Advanced, where further discussions will be held. A large amount of the work is aimed at simplifying the architecture of the system, as it transits from the existing UMTS circuit + packet switching combined network, to an all-IP flat architecture system.


In December 2008, Rel-8 specification was locked. In March 2009, the ASN.1 code was locked. The standard has been complete enough that hardware designers have been designing chipsets, test equipment and base stations for some time. LTE test equipment has been shipping from several vendors since early 2008 and at the Mobile World Congress 2008 in Barcelona Ericsson demonstrated the world’s first end-to-end mobile call enabled by LTE on a small handheld device.[3] Motorola demonstrated a LTE RAN standard compliant eNodeB and LTE chipset at the same event.

An "All IP Network" (AIPN)

A characteristic of next generation networks are that they are based upon core internet protocol TCP/IP. In 2004, 3GPP proposed Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) as the future for next generation networks and began feasibility studies into All IP Networks (AIPN). Proposals developed included recommendations for 3GPP Release 7(2005),[4] which are the foundation of higher level protocols such as LTE. These recommendations are part of the 3GPP System Architecture Evolution (SAE). Some aspects of All-IP networks, however, were already defined as early as release 4.[5]

The 3GPP is defining IP-based, flat network architecture as part of the System Architecture Evolution (SAE) effort. LTE–SAE architecture and concepts have been designed for efficient support of mass-market usage of any IP-based service. The architecture is based on an evolution of the existing GSM/WCDMA core network, with simplified operations and smooth, cost-efficient deployment.

E-UTRAN Air Interface

Release 8's air interface, E-UTRA (Evolved UTRAN, the E- prefix being common to the evolved equivalents of older UMTS components) would be used by UMTS operators deploying their own wireless networks. It's important to note that Release 8 is intended for use over any IP network, including WiMAX and WiFi, and even wired networks.[6]
The proposed E-UTRAN system uses OFDMA for the downlink (tower to handset) and Single Carrier FDMA (SC-FDMA) for the uplink and employs MIMO with up to four antennas per station. The channel coding scheme for transport blocks is turbo coding and a contention-free quadratic permutation polynomial (QPP) turbo code internal interleaver.[7]
The use of OFDM, a system where the available spectrum is divided into many thin carriers, each on a different frequency, each carrying a part of the signal, enables E-UTRAN to be much more flexible in its use of spectrum than the older CDMA based systems that dominated 3G. CDMA networks require large blocks of spectrum to be allocated to each carrier, to maintain high chip rates, and thus maximize efficiency. Building radios capable of coping with different chip rates (and spectrum bandwidths) is more complex than creating radios that only send and receive one size of carrier, so generally CDMA based systems standardize both. Standardizing on a fixed spectrum slice has consequences for the operators deploying the system: too narrow a spectrum slice would mean the efficiency and maximum bandwidth per handset suffers; too wide a spectrum slice, and there are deployment issues for operators short on spectrum. This became a major issue with the US roll-out of UMTS over W-CDMA, where W-CDMA's 5 MHz requirement often left no room in some markets for operators to co-deploy it with existing GSM standards.

LTE supports both FDD and TDD mode. While FDD makes use of paired spectra for UL and DL transmission separated by a duplex frequency gap, TDD is alternating using the same spectral resources used for UL and DL, separated by guard time[8]. Each mode has its own frame structure within LTE and these are aligned with each other meaning that similar hardware can be used in the base stations and terminals to allow for economy of scale. The TDD mode in LTE is aligned with TD-SCDMA as well allowing for coexistence. Ericsson demonstrated at the MWC 2008 in Barcelona for the first time in the world both LTE FDD and TDD mode on the same base station platform.


LTE uses OFDM for the downlink – that is, from the base station to the terminal. OFDM meets the LTE requirement for spectrum flexibility and enables cost-efficient solutions for very wide carriers with high peak rates. It is a well-established technology, for example in standards such as IEEE 802.11a/b/g, 802.16, HIPERLAN-2, DVB and DAB. In the time domain you have a radio frame that is 10 ms long and consists of 10 sub frames of 1 ms each. Every sub frame consists of 2 slots where each slot is 0.5 ms. The subcarrier spacing in the frequency domain is 15 kHz. Twelve of these subcarriers together (per slot) is called a resource block so one resource block is 180 kHz. 6 Resource blocks fit in a carrier of 1.4 MHz and 100 resource blocks fit in a carrier of 20 MHz. In the downlink there are three different physical channels. The Physical Downlink Shared Channel (PDSCH) is used for all the data transmission, the Physical Multicast Channel (PMCH) is used for broadcast transmission using a Single Frequency Network and the Physical Broadcast Channel (PBCH) is used to send most important system information within the cell[9]. Supported modulation formats on the PDSCH are QPSK, 16QAM and 64QAM.
For MIMO operation, a distinction is made between single user MIMO, for enhancing one user's data throughput, and multi user MIMO for enhancing the cell throughput.


In the uplink, LTE uses a pre-coded version of OFDM called Single Carrier Frequency Division Multiple Access (SC-FDMA). This is to compensate for a drawback with normal OFDM, which has a very high peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR). High PAPR requires expensive and inefficient power amplifiers with high requirements on linearity, which increases the cost of the terminal and drains the battery faster. SC-FDMA solves this problem by grouping together the resource blocks in such a way that reduces the need for linearity, and so power consumption, in the power amplifier. A low PAPR also improves coverage and the cell-edge performance.
In the uplink there are two physical channels. While the Physical Random Access Channel (PRACH) is only used for initial access and when the UE is not uplink synchronized[10], all the data is being send on the Physical Uplink Shared Channel (PUSCH). Supported modulation formats on the uplink data channel are QPSK, 16QAM and 64QAM.
If virtual MIMO / Spatial division multiple access (SDMA) is introduced the data rate in the uplink direction can be increased depending on the number of antennas at the base station. With this technology more than one mobile can reuse the same resources.[11]

Technology Demos

In September 2006, Siemens Networks (today Nokia Siemens Networks) showed in collaboration with Nomor Research the first live emulation of a LTE network to the media and investors. As live applications two users streaming an HD-TV video in the downlink and playing an interactive game in the uplink have been demonstrated.[12]

The first presentation of an LTE demonstrator with HDTV streaming (>30 Mbit/s), video supervision and Mobile IP-based handover between the LTE radio demonstrator and the commercially available HSDPA radio system was shown during the ITU trade fair in Hong Kong in December 2006 by Siemens Communication Department.

• In February 2007, Ericsson demonstrated for the first time in the world LTE with bit rates up to 144 Mbit/s[13]

In September 2007, NTT docomo demonstrated LTE data rates of 200 Mbit/s with power consumption below 100mW during the test.[14]
At the February 2008 Mobile World Congress:

Huawei demonstrated Long Term Evolution ("LTE") applications by means of multiplex HDTV services and mutual gaming that has transmission speeds of 100 Mbps.

Motorola demonstrated how LTE can accelerate the delivery of personal media experience with HD video demo streaming, HD video blogging, Online gaming and VoIP over LTE running a RAN standard compliant LTE network & LTE chipset.[15]

Ericsson demonstrated the world’s first end-to-end LTE call on handheld [16] Ericsson demonstrated LTE FDD and TDD mode on the same base station platform.

Freescale Semiconductor demonstrated streaming HD video with peak data rates of 96 Mbit/s downlink and 86 Mbit/s uplink . [17]

NXP Semiconductors demonstrated a multi-mode LTE modem as the basis for a software-defined radio system for use in cellphones. [18]

picoChip and Mimoon demonstrated a base station reference design. This runs on a common hardware platform (multi-mode / software defined radio) with their WiMAX architecture. [19]
In April 2008, Motorola demonstrated the first EV-DO to LTE hand-off - handing over a streaming video from LTE to a commercial EV-DO network and back to LTE.[20]

In April 2008, LG Electronics and Nortel demonstrated LTE data rates of 50 Mbit/s while travelling at 110 km/h. [21]

In April 2008 Ericsson unveiled its M700 mobile platform, the world’s first commercially available LTE-capable platform, with peak data rates of up to 100 Mbit/s in the downlink and up to 50 Mbit/s in the uplink. The first products based on M700 will be data devices such as laptop modems, Expresscards and USB modems for notebooks, as well other small-form modems suitable for consumer electronic devices. Commercial release is set for 2009, with products based on the platform expected in 2010.

Researchers at Nokia Siemens Networks and Heinrich Hertz Institut have demonstrated LTE with 100 Mbit/s Uplink transfer speeds.[11]

At the February 2009 Mobile World Congress:
Huawei demonstrated the world' s first unified frequency-division duplex and time-division duplex (FDD/TDD) long-term evolution (LTE) solution at the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona.

Carrier adoption
Most carriers supporting GSM or HSUPA networks can be expected to upgrade their networks to LTE at some stage:
Rogers Wireless has stated that they intend on initially launching their LTE network in Vancouver by February 2010, just in time for the Winter Olympics. [22]
AT&T Mobility has stated that they intend on upgrading to LTE as their 4G technology in 2011, but will introduce HSUPA and HSPA+ as bridge standards. [23]
TeliaSonera has started network built up in Stockholm and Oslo, and will follow up in Copenhagen when a license in Denmark has been bought/granted. The networks are still only for testing. There are no indication of a public live date.
T-Mobile, Vodafone, France Télécom and Telecom Italia Mobile have also announced or talked publicly about their commitment to LTE.
Despite initial development of the rival UMB standard, which was designed as an upgrade path for CDMA networks, most operators of networks based upon the latter system have also announced their intent to migrate to LTE, resulting in discontinuation of UMB development.
Verizon Wireless is presently testing its LTE network[24] and selects Ericsson and Alcatel-Lucent as Primary Network Vendors for LTE Network.
Bell Mobility plans to start LTE deployment in 2009-2010[25]
Telus Mobility has announced that it will adopt LTE as its 4G wireless standard.[26]
MetroPCS recently announced that it would be using LTE for its upcoming 4G network.[27]
The newly formed China Telecom/Unicom[28] and Japan's KDDI[29] have announced they have chosen LTE as their 4G network technology.
In January 2009 TeliaSonera signed a contract for an LTE network with Huawei covering Oslo, Norway. Under the agreement, Huawei will provide an end-to-end LTE solution including LTE base stations, core network and OSS (Operating Support System).
In January 2009 Ericsson and TeliaSonera announced the signing of a commercial LTE network. The roll-out of the 4G mobile broadband network will offer the highest data rates ever realized, with the best interactivity and quality. This network will cover Sweden’s capital Stockholm and the contract is Ericsson’s first for commercial deployment of LTE.

^ a b c A Primer on LTE
^ a b
^ [1]
^ 3GPP TR 22.978 All-IP network (AIPN) feasibility study
^ 3GPP Work Item 31067
^ 3GPP LTE - See System Architecture Evolution
^ 3GPP LTE presentation Kyoto May 22rd 2007
^ Nomor Research Newsletter: Overview LTE Time Division Duplex
^ Nomor Research Newsletter: LTE Physical Layer Signals and Channels
^ Nomor Research Newsletter: LTE Random Access Channel
^ a b Researchers demo 100 Mbit/s MIMO with SDMA / virtual MIMO technology
^ Nomor Research: World's first LTE demonstration
^ [2]
^ NTT DoCoMo develops low power chip for 3G LTE handsets
^ [3]
^ Gardner, W. David. "Freescale Semiconductor To Demo LTE In Mobile Handsets", Information Week, February 8 2008.
^ Walko, John "NXP powers ahead with programmable LTE modem", EETimes, January 30 2008.
^ Walko, John "PicoChip, MimoOn team for LTE ref design", EETimes, February 4 2008.
^ Nortel and LG Electronics Demo LTE at CTIA and with High Vehicle Speeds :: Wireless-Watch Community
^ "Rogers LTE launch details revealed; 4G in Vancouver by February 2010".
^ "AT&T develops wireless broadband plans". Retrieved on 2008-08-25.
^ Verizon Wireless Tests 4G Mobile Wireless Network
^ Bell announces strategic 3G wireless network investment, maximizing consumer choice in mobile data and confirming its path forward to 4G LTE wireless
^ Wireless sales propel Telus results
^ MetroPCS Chooses LTE For 4G Wireless Network
^ CDMA operators will choose LTE, says ZTE
^ Japan's KDDI Selects LTE Core as Next-Generation Mobile Broadband Solution from Hitachi and Nortel

Further reading
F. Khan, "LTE for 4G Mobile Broadband - Air Interface Technologies and Performance", Cambridge University Press, 2009
M. Ergen, "Mobile Broadband - Including WiMAX and LTE", Springer, NY, 2009
H. Ekström, A. Furuskär, J. Karlsson, M. Meyer, S. Parkvall, J. Torsner, and M. Wahlqvist, "Technical Solutions for the 3G Long-Term Evolution," IEEE Commun. Mag., vol. 44, no. 3, March 2006, pp. 38–45
E. Dahlman, H. Ekström, A. Furuskär, Y. Jading, J. Karlsson, M. Lundevall, and S. Parkvall, "The 3G Long-Term Evolution - Radio Interface Concepts and Performance Evaluation," IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC) 2006 Spring, Melbourne, Australia, May 2006
K. Fazel and S. Kaiser, Multi-Carrier and Spread Spectrum Systems: From OFDM and MC-CDMA to LTE and WiMAX, 2nd Edition, John Wiley & Sons, 2008, ISBN 978-0-470-99821-2

External links for more information
3GPP LTE homepage
Public LTE Discussion Forum

3GPP Projects and Presentations
3GPP TS 36.300 Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access (E-UTRA) and Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access Network (E-UTRAN); Overall description
3GPP AIPN Workitem
"3GPP Evolution: LTE and SAE" by Francois Courau at Alcatel (Chairman of 3GPP TSG RAN)

3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP); Requirements for Evolved UTRA (E-UTRA) and Evolved UTRAN (E-UTRAN)
3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP); Technical Specification Group Radio Access Network; Physical Layer Aspects for Evolved UTRA

Industry reaction
"Mobile Broadband: The Global Evolution of UMTS/HSPA - 3GPP Release 7 and Beyond" by 3G Americas
Experience LTE by Motorola
Verizon Wireless Global LTE Deployment Plans

Whitepapers and other information
EDGE, HSPA, LTE: Broadband Innovation (PDF)
"LTE performance for initial deployments" by Nokia Siemens Networks
Long Term Evolution (LTE): An Introduction – Ericsson White Paper "The Long Term Evolution of 3G" on Ericsson Review, no. 2, 2005
"3G Long-Term Evolution" by Dr. Erik Dahlman at Ericsson Research
"Long-Term 3G Evolution - Radio Access" by Dr. Stefan Parkvall at Ericsson Research
"3GPP Long-Term Evolution / System Architecture Evolution: Overview" by Ulrich Barth at Alcatel
Dahlman, Parkvall, Skold and Beming, 3G Evolution: HSPA and LTE for Mobile Broadband, Academic Press, Oxford, UK, 2007
H. Ekström, A. Furuskär, J. Karlsson, M. Meyer, S. Parkvall, J. Torsner, and M. Wahlqvist, "Technical Solutions for the 3G Long-Term Evolution," IEEE Commun. Mag., vol. 44, no. 3, March 2006, pp. 38–45
"3GPP LTE & 3GPP2 LTE Standardization" by Dr. Lee, HyeonWoo at Samsung Electronics
Nomor Research Newsletter: Overview LTE Time Division Duplex
"Trends in Mobile Network Architectures" by Dr. Michael Schopp at Siemens Networks
"Overview of the 3GPP LTE Physical Layer" by James Zyren and Dr. Wes McCoy, Freescale Semiconductor
“Growing momentum brings LTE closer to becoming a commercial reality”